We're trying to make April less cruel by introducing a great new collection of books. The New York Review Book Classics is a set of 250 interesting titles, ranging from Greek classics to contemporary fiction, all beautifully bound and introduced by a host of renowned critics and scholars.
The set was bought through a grant from the Arkansas State Library and titles are available for check out now.
For a complete list of titles, click here.
Even though we haven't had time to read many of the books yet, an early stand out favorite would have to be My Dog Tulip by English author J.R. Ackerley, originally published in 1956.
This is surely the least sentimental dog tale ever written. It is a very, very funny (and ultimately poignant) account of Ackerley's efforts to mate his German Shepherd, Tulip. It's a sort of canine Shakespeare's sonnets written in prose, wherein Tulip plays by turns both the fair youth and the dark lady. Highly recommended.
One down, 249 to go . . .
We've been thrilled to learn of your acquisition (and have been bragging about it everywhere we can). If any staff member attends ALA, please come find us!